Root Canal

Under the hard white enamel of the tooth, there is a soft tissue called pulp which has blood and nerve supply for the tooth to grow at root. When this pulp gets infected due to bacteria, decay due to cavities or crack due to injury, it causes a lot of pain. Root Canal Treatment is cleaning this pulp, disinfecting the canal and fill it up with inert material. Root canal treatment is required to save the tooth instead of extraction or implants as the infection can further spread and damage it. Finally, a crown is made to protect the tooth and further infection of the tooth. Our team has deep expertise in carrying out simple as well as complex Root Canal Treatments.

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–  Patient Speak

Visited some top clinics in Delhi, but it became worse and more complex. Dr Nitin was able to rectify the outcome of earlier botched up treatments.

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Thanks for a great experience. Everything was very efficient and painless. There was a commitment to healthy & holistic treatment – a very good value for money.

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Symptoms & Diagnosis

Some of the symptoms include a chipped or broken tooth, pain while eating, lingering sensitivity, swelling or darkening of the gum and swollen jaw etc. The infection is diagnosed with a x-ray which shows the infection in the canal and further course of treatment is decided. Normally two or more visits will be required for the complete procedure.



Following are the steps involved in root canal treatment.
1. X-ray of the tooth will be taken first.
2. Local Anesthesia will be given to numb the area of the tooth.
3. A small opening is drilled into the crown of tooth.
4. With help of dental instruments, pulp is removed and canal is shaped.
5. Root canal is cleaned and disinfected.
6. Canal is filled with rubbery material called gutta-percha.
7. A temporary dental filling is placed to close the hole.
8. A dental crown is fixed for final restoration and protection of the tooth.


How safe are root canal treatments?
Root canals are considered to be very safe and effective.


How long does root canal recovery take?
Root canal recuperation often takes less than a week. A few days of minor discomfort is possible, although this can be treated with medicine.


When can I eat after a root canal treatment?
Yes. Eat soft foods initially and wait till the numbness goes off. No biting or chewing from the treated tooth side.


Can I go to work, school or other activities?
You can go to work after a few hours, but it will depend upon how you feel around the area of treatment and numbness or giddy feelings you may have.


What are some root canal aftercare tips?
It’s critical to keep the area clean after root canal therapy. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash and regular brushing and flossing for rest of mouth without touching the treated tooth.. You should refrain from chewing on the treated tooth until the permanent crown is in place.

Root Canal - External Links

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Root Canal Explained

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