Tooth Extraction

Dental extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket. Your doctor will take an x-ray of the tooth to study the conditions and plan the procedure. It may be a simple tooth extraction, where it is pulled out by force or surgical extraction where a small incision is made. Local anesthesia is given to numb the area for simple extraction while intravenous or general anesthesia may be given for surgical extraction, which is carried out by oral surgeon or periodontist. Our team has experience of doing hundreds of successful extractions in last 3 decades.

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Tooth Extraction - More Info

Dental extraction is the removal of a tooth from its socket. Sometimes it is referred to as “pulling” a tooth.


Types of Extraction

Extraction is of two types, simple and surgical. The type of extraction will depend upon the tooth shape, size, location in the mouth and condition.  Simple extraction is performed when tooth is visible above the gum and can be pulled out physically after giving local anesthesia. Teeth that are impacted, broken or below the surface may require complicated extraction through surgery. Local and intravenous anesthesia will be given, and sometimes general anesthesia may also be required. A small incision cut is given and gum tissue, bone or both may be removed. Sometimes tooth is also cut into pieces to make it easy for extraction. Surgical extraction is normally performed by oral surgeon or periodontist.


Reasons for Extraction

Your doctor will try ti preserve your natural teeth as much as possible with restorative procedures like fillings and crowns. But sometimes, there may not be any other alternative but to extract the tooth. There could be multiple reasons to do so like tooth decay due to cavities, tooth disease due to infections, gum disease where gums, tissues or bone has got infected. Other reasons could be trauma tooth, injured or broken tooth etc. Sometimes orthodontist may have to remove a tooth to provide for braces or prosthesis and the mouth is too crowded. Wisdom tooth complications also may necessitate tooth extraction. Additionally, patients undergoing chemotherapy may be at risk of tooth infection to go for extraction.  


Your doctor will take an x-ray to plan the extraction accordingly. Please share all the medications you are taking along with relevant medical history. For simple extraction, local anesthesia will be injected to numb the area. The tooth will be loosened using instruments like elevator and picked up from the socket with forceps. For surgical extraction, intravenous or general anesthesia may also be given. An incision will be made and sometimes part of the bone also may be removed to extract the tooth completely. After the extraction, the socket is cleaned and disinfected. Sutures or other procedures may be required to stop bleeding. A thick gauze will be kept on the site and you are asked to bite it to make clotting possible and stop the bleeding. Medications may be prescribed to lessen the pain and reduce the chances of infection.


Post Extraction

After the extraction, do the following for a day. Gently rinse your mouth a few times with mouthwash or lukewarm slat water. Avoid brushing the site and strenuous activity. Take your medications as prescribed and refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption. Do not use a straw or spit forcefully. Eat soft foods and do not try to touch it with your tongue.

 It may take 48 to 72 hours for the site to heal but the bone may take a few weeks. 

You can brush and floss rest of the mouth without touching the extraction area.

Tooth Extraction - External Links

Video for Extraction

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